On Sunday, July 10, 2011 00:39:43 Nicolas Alvarez wrote:
> Anyway, even if I sort-of know the answer, this naturally leads me to the
> question of "what is the actual use-case of dataengines?". In particular,
> what's the advantage/rationale to the model of sources + keys + arbitrary
> QVariants as values + procedural 'services'?

an easy to use system that provides all the infrastructure for time based 
updates as well as resource (e.g. memory) management for a multiple-readers 
(and in the case of services, multiple "writer") situations all while not 
requiring applets to link against N different libraries for N different data 
sets (which, sadly, tends to be the norm). it also prevents having to build 
different bindings for all those N different libraries, gives us one place to 
manage access to them (allowing for things like remoting), and lets us keep 
the applet API tiny without feeling tempted to bloat it with things like 
"cpuTemperature()" (see how many other widget APIs make that mistake..)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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