On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Aaron J. Seigo <ase...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Thursday, August 11, 2011 09:01:26 Ivan Čukić wrote:
>> If the widget dialogue is that big, how can you add widgets to the desktop?
> or the dashboard.
> that said ...
> there is a rather nice plasmoid adder that has been developed for the Plasma
> Active shell. it is full screen and has had a fair amount of work put into it
> to look very nice and remain usable despite taking up space.
> i'd rather see that be shared between the shells when Plasma Active gets a
> first release.

I have an almost usable qml port of the current one, still needs a lot
of refinement but saves a lot of c++ code ;)

would like to give it a try for 4.8 if i'll have enough time to finish it.

Marco Martin
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