Hi there again!

So, while configuring the desktop shell to my taste, I realized how much I 
missed the global Menubar,  so I thought on bringing the topic to the list.

Again guys, remember that I'm no usability expert or designer, just somebody 
giving feedback, so please if I'm saying bullshit don't be rude with me :)

My idea on this will be to move the Menubar to the Titlebar, replacing the 
application icon (which I didn't know it had a menu until today).

Personally I'd like to introduce a top panel but of course that would be a 
major change, so imho moving the Menubar to the Titlebar is a good step, since 
it remove comlexity from the window, and in theory Menubar should be used only 
for "Options you don't use everyday" right?

So, what do you think?

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