On Saturday 01 October 2011 16:55:54 Marco Martin wrote:
> On Saturday 01 October 2011, Dario Freddi wrote:
> > Hello all, and sorry for cross-posting.
> > At the same time, the combobox for selecting a profile in the battery
> > applet will be removed. It will, although, be replaced by a toggle button
> > for inhibition: by enabling/disabling it, power management features
> > regarding screen suspension, notifications and screen power management
> > will be suspended. Technically speaking, the battery applet will trigger
> > a full inhibition on the power manager while this button is still on.
> this i guess would be a kind of "presentation mode"...
> would it still cover enough use cases?
> maybe together with activities could be enough, not 100% sure

Well, covering all use cases is something I don't feel I can guarantee for 
anything :D But we didn't manage to find something this paradigm wouldn't 

> > Suppose you want to have an activity named "Sleep", in which you watch a
> > movie, and the PC will shutdown after 90 mins of inactivity. In this
> > case, you would just specify to override the "Suspend Session" action.
> > Or, you want to have an activity where you always want a profile which
> > lets you run at full speed. You can define a whole new profile for it.
> > Bottom line: manual profiles become "activity profiles".
> > 
> > Hopefully, this solution will please everyone and will make activities
> > even more useful. Do you like it? More suggestions? Speak now or shut up
> > forever!
> yes, i like tying them to activities..
> basically the profile config ui would stay, but save only activity-specific
> settings?

Not exactly. You can still configure profiles for battery states (namely: 
Performance, Powersave, Aggressive Powersave) as you were doing before, except 
now they are tied 1:1 with the battery state. In addition, you can define 
activity-specific behavior.

> Cheers,
> Marco Martin


Dario Freddi
KDE Developer
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