On 1 October 2011 21:36, <plasma-devel-requ...@kde.org> wrote:

> >
> > Something like having Power mode switch:
> >
> > [Performance] [Normal] [Battery stretch]
> >
> > where Normal is current static profile; Performance - temporary disables
> > any limitations; Battery stretch - disables everything, that can
> > be disabled [Wifi, audio, CPU turbo mode etc]
> This is actually why we thought about pairing profiles and activities.
> Although your concern is valid, you are likely to require this kind of
> things
> when doing a specific activity, hence you won't need the applet :) On the
> other hand, inhibition might be useful everywhere.

Not exactly. Those switches was intended to be only temporary changes.

Lets say you are on the trip on the train using "Plasma development"
activity. Usually, all your development activities are set to average power
usage profile, but since the journey is long, and you are not listening to
music, nor using wifi [Battery stretch] could give you e.g +25% of battery

Other situation, you are giving a presentation on how to make a best of QT,
that requires compiling using the same using "Plasma development"
activity. Performance mode could at the same time disable any screensaver,
as well give green light to use all CPU power, ignoring the battery usage.

Both are quite unusual but possible situations, but creating new activity
and moving all files/settings does not pay off.

Also [Performance] and [Battery stretch] power modes could do more by e.g.
preventing any daemons (nepomuk, akonadi, owncloud) from staring background
works - a common complaint, that KDE semantic services starts at a very bad
time and there is no way to prevent them.


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