On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 2:24 PM, Aaron J. Seigo <ase...@kde.org> wrote:

> On Thursday, October 27, 2011 14:05:42 Mark wrote:
> > Ah men i hate this.. This is a typical "it's right under your nose" case
> :p
> usually only after it's been pointed out is it right under your now; before
> that it may as well be very well hidden behind your back ;)
> don't worry, with time you'll get to learn the source tree and where you
> can
> expect to look for different kinds of things. it's just a learning curve,
> though hopefully one we've made as level as possible.
> > Thanx for helping :)
> np :)

Oke, i finally have the darn QML file working in the position where i want
it. Quite irritating since apparently i need to set the base position of
QDeclarativeView in C++ where i'd expect it to be set from XML with just X
and Y position.. Also the line to set some flags doesn't seem to be working
on QDeclerativeView: KWindowSystem::setState(winId(), NET::SkipTaskbar |
NET::SkipPager | NET::Sticky | NET::KeepAbove); ... Or i did something

Anyway, i'm gonna try to fill up the QML file with elements so it looks like
the current tool box we all know but for that i need to get some things

1. How do i get the PlasmaCore import working:
.bashrc looks like this incase it matters: http://codepad.org/qdjcRep0 (copied
from techbase...)
2. Which options are possible for plasmacore backgrounds.. Right now i have
"widgets/frame" but what else is there?
3. Where are the plasma QML files hidden for a button and such and how do i
use them (imports.. same as question 1 only with different files)

And that's about it for now.
Side note. If i get this working then how about we set a goal to at the very
least have this plasma tool box as QML for KDE 4.9 and perhaps even all
panel stuff in QML for KDE 4.9? (yeah, i really start to like QML :p)
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