On Tuesday, November 22, 2011 11:44:38 Swapnil Bhartiya wrote:
> I have been trying to reach you but just can't get hold of you at all. 
> Thus posting it here.
> I represent Muktware.com and I am working on a story about Android 
> support in Linux. While Gnome can detect and mount the Android 3.x +
> tablets, allowing users to drag/drop content to the tablets and crate
> folders (it can't see content inside folders). So, at least a user can
> copy content -- movie/music to the tablet.
> On the contrary KDE mounts it as a Camera and can't see content on the
> tablet, can create folders and can't drag/drop or paste content in the
> tablet which makes it hard for a user to use KDE to manage tablets.
> What is the reason KDE can't mounts Android Honeycomb tablets which use
> MTP? With increasing use of tablets, what is the KDE team doing to fix
> this problem?

That should work just fine with software such as Amarok, which supports the 
MTP protocol.



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