On Friday 13 Kislev 5772 11:38:36 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> On Thursday, December 08, 2011 19:52:36 David Baron wrote:
> > Is there a way, probably in the desktop file, to make a KCModule
> > sharable? Right now, the first plasma object to get it owns it.
> > 
> > I am not worried about syncronization between instances that modify data,
> > but  would be interested in that eventually is this thing be possible at
> > all.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> What exactly are you trying to achieve?

I have a krunner and viewer which can access the configuration dialog.

There is now a plasmoid that will also execure runners using RunnerManager.

Whichever one launches first, plasmoid in plasma-desktop or krunner and 
afterwards I add the plasmoid, will "own" the KCModule. The other one will get 
the dialog as "already open in ...."

Since users may well be using both, I would like to avoid this problem.
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