On Saturday 21 January 2012 15:32:10 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > it uses QGraphicsLayouts because we need to embed QWidgets. Unfortunately
> > we do not get to the underlying system. If we don't want anymore the
> > QWidgets we would have to rewrite the complete authentication system :-(
> yes, i know. however, there are some things used in the QML that are
> probably not needed / should be replaced with the components work.
right, I didn't like to have the keyboard switcher embedded as a QWidget for 
> > > * related to the above, blanking the screen is now left up to
> > > powermanagement. fair enough. however, the defaults for powermanagement
> > > for
> > > systems that are plugged in tends to mean it won't happen for quite some
> > > time on most systems. it feels rather innelegant to have the lock screen
> > > just always showing. in the default theme, fading out at least the
> > > greater
> > > UI when there is no user interaction and back in when user interaction
> > > happens (independent of power management) might feel nicer.
> > 
> > I would prefer to get this right and turn off the screen. Blanking the
> > screen by painting black feels wrong to me. In fact I always thought that
> > my screen turns off till I used the new locker
> ah, yes, i would like to do it with turning off the screen (rather than just
> painting black)
> > > * the default wallpaper of the desktop theme is used when locking the
> > > screen. this doesn't feel right; looking at that default paper, i expect
> > > the wallpaper shown on my desktop that i've configured.
> > 
> > This would require to pull in the complete Plasma Wallpaper stuff. And
> > this
> > becomes really difficult for things like multi screen.
> nah, it's pretty easy for multiscreen. still, i do prefer the idea of a
> lock- screen specific thing (perhaps something that is coordinated with the
> QML log in screen too?)
I would like to have it coordinated with the log in screen. I think this would 
give a very pleasant experience especially if we go for not stopping at KDM 
but logging in the user directly (as done on PA).


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