On Tuesday, January 24, 2012 17:23:03 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> Hey,
> That should work asynchronously, you just do setData() when you receive it,
> and you start the download of a source by connecting to it (so basically in
> sourceRequestEvent, or its Python equivalent in your dataengine).
> You can start as many KIO Jobs as you want in parallel, it being async, it
> won't block, and KIO will even schedule these jobs for you so you don't clog
> the user's downlink too much.
> If sources become available later on, you might want to catch reference
> errors for non existing sources in your QML code, for example when
> assigning text:
> Text {
>       [...]
>       text: {
>               if (typeof(viewsSource.data[mySource])) {
>                       return viewsSource.data[mySource][key];
>               } else {
>                       return "";
>               }
>       }
> }
> This automatic updating is a bit peculiar, and I've seen some problematic
> cases, but this is roughly how it *should* work.
> Cheers,

Thanks for all the help thus far, Sebastian.  Right now here's how the engine

class PyFlickrEngine(plasmascript.DataEngine):
  def __init__(self,parent,args=None):

  def init(self):
    #for flickr

  #adding this back in 24 jan to see if it helps
  def sources(self):
    sources = ["1500"]
    return sources

  def sourceRequestEvent(self, name):
    print "source request event" #debugging
    return self.updateSourceEvent(name)

  def updateSourceEvent(self,group):
    print "updateSourceEvent"
    #grouplist = []
    if group == "25":
      print "i'm @ 25" #debug
      grouplist = views.analyzeviews(views.views25)
      #self.setData(grouplist, "Group List", QVariant.List) #original line
      self.setData("25", "Group 25", grouplist)
    elif group == "50":
      print "i'm @ 50" #debug
      grouplist = views.analyzeviews(views.views50)
      self.setData("50","Group 50", grouplist)
    elif group == "75":
      print "i'm @ 75" #debug
      grouplist = views.analyzeviews(views.views75)
      self.setData("75","Group 75", grouplist)
    #some stuff
    elif group == "1500":
      print "i'm @ 1500" #debug
      grouplist = views.analyzeviews(views.views1500)
      self.setData("1500","Group 1500", grouplist)
    return True

def CreateDataEngine(parent):
  return PyFlickrEngine(parent)

So you're saying that I need to add setData() in the sourceRequestEvent?

As far as getting data out I'm coming across a weird phenomenon.  Here's my
code right now in QML:

import Qt 4.7
import "content"
import QtWebKit 1.0
import org.kde.plasma.core 0.1 as PlasmaCore

Rectangle {
    id: window
    width: 360
    height: 360

    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
         id: viewsSource
         engine: "flickrviewsengine2"
         interval: 0
         Component.onCompleted: connectedSources = sources
         onSourceAdded: connectSource(source)

    property string currentGroup: viewsSource.data["1500"]["Group 1500"]
    property string currentLocation: ""
    property bool loading: feedModel.status == XmlListModel.Loading

            source:  window.currentGroup //viewsSource.data["1500"]["Group
            query: "/photos/photo" //"/rsp/photos/photo"
            XmlRole { name: "title"; query: "title/string()"}
            XmlRole { name: "views"; query: "views/string()"}
            XmlRole { name: "url"; query: "URL/string()"}

    Row {
        width: 360
        height: 43
            width: window.width; height: window.height
            color: "blue"

            Text {
                id: testtext
                text: viewsSource.data["1500"]["Group 1500"]
//viewsSource.valid //timer.data["Local"]["Timezone"] //qsTr("buttons will go

    Row {
        x: 0
        y: 43
        width: 370
        height: 317
            Rectangle {
                width: window.width/3+10; height: window.height
                color: "#efefef"

                ListView {
                    id: list
                    width: window.width/3; height: window.height
                    model: feedModel
                    delegate: ItemDelegate {}

                    highlight: Rectangle { color: "lightgray" }
                    highlightMoveSpeed: 9999999


            Rectangle {
                width: window.width/3*2
                height: window.height
               WebView {
                id: webView
                width: window.width/3*2
                height: window.height
                html: "<a href="+currentLocation+">here</a>"

Now, I know that the XML I'm generating in a string is coming across
correctly, because it appears in the text I've created

text: viewsSource.data["1500"]["Group 1500"]

I know that if I copy that into a text file and read that in as in:

 property string currentGroup:

, it works.  So there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the XML.  BUT,
if I do as I have it now:

property string currentGroup: viewsSource.data["1500"]["Group 1500"]

It does not populate the ListView.

Here's what's in that QString:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?><photos><photo>
<title>Vulnerable</title> <views>1605</views>
</photo><photo> <title>The Triple-Breasted Whore of Eroticon Six</title>
</photo><photo> <title>Wanted: Adrian Lamo</title> <views>1750</views>
</photo><photo> <title>Katy Perry's Too Tasty to Resist</title>
</photo><photo> <title>Wedding Ring and Anniversary Gift</title>


Eric Mesa
Most of the emails from this account should be signed with my GPG key so
that you know it's me.  The only exception is when I'm using gmail from
the web.
"OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million
for good thinking, yeah? "

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