On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Martin Gräßlin <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:
> Hi workspace developers,
> my JavaScript bindings for KWin effects are nearly in place and that results
> in a few questions I wanted to discuss with the greater team.
> The scripted effects follow the Plasma Packages structure and I plan to have
> also "normal" KWin scripts use Plasma Package structure as well as window
> decorations and window switcher layouts.
> Should such files use the file ending "plasmoid" or should we introduce new
> names like "kwineffect", "kwinswitcher", "kwinscript", "kwindecoration"? Could
> using "plasmoid" result in problems like the widgets explorer trying to
> install the kwineffect when dropped on the desktop?

plasmoid is just a zip rename into .plasmoid, and if ".kwineffect"
will be used, you should add something similar to

Add new mime-type for kwin effects have a benefit that they can be
assigned to different installer easily, if user want to have a feature
that double click on .kwineffect file and can have it installed.

> The second question I have is about the additional effects. Now that we have
> the scripted bindings I want to rewrite a few pure eye-candy effects with the
> bindings and move them out of the KWin source tree. Where should they go? I
> tend to plasma-addons.
> Last but not least: how does this synchrotron work and does it offer something
> which would be very useful to distribute our effects, scripts, etc?

I think you can request a new category for kwin effect on
kde-look.org, currently there is no separate kwin effect category and
all existing third-party effect are seems to be in "KDE Improvement".
Something like "KWin Effects Binary" and "KWin Effects Scripts" should
be added.

And KNewStuff3 is very easy to use.
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