
I created a PDF viewer C++/QML component that uses poppler library (my plan
is to replace this with an okular QML component in the near future). Using
this I created a QML plasmoid but I have a problem with creating a
configuration interface for my plasmoid so that I can change the PDF file
path without directly modifying the QML file.

I already asked this on the KDE forums and was directed to this list. Here
is the link to the forum:

And this is the contents of my forum post:
> I created a PDF viewer QML plasmoid (custom C++/QML component that uses
poppler library)
> and now I would like to create some kind of a configuration dialog for
changing the PDF file path.
> By default there is already a configuration dialog and I think it would
probably be the best solution
> to somehow extend this to include my custom configuration items.
> I read some thing about configuration xml files and also about the custom
".ui" file for the
> configuration dialog but I didn't get anything useful from that (I
doesn't really tell you what and
> how you can do this).
> So ... what is the best solution for having some GUI configuration items
for a QML plasmoid?

Djuro Drljaca
Plasma-devel mailing list

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