On Tuesday 15 May 2012 14:13:24 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> how
> does this resolve the window thumbnail issue? you can share GL textures
> between processes. this is dependent on the OpenGL stack on the system (it
> is not something OpenGL itself provides and it is done different on windows
> than x.org; probably different again in wayland), but it works. in fact, we
> found an example that does exactly this in zack's graphics dojo repo from
> when he worked at trolltech (yes, trolltech .. before nokia).
I am not sure whether that would work at all. What we have here are not normal 
textures but textures from pixmaps. I fear that this makes quite some 
difference especially concerning the damage events.

And I have a few ideas for thumbnails which would not be possible if it is in 
Plasma. I'll experiment with it after feature freeze, then I will share 
screenshots if the experiment works ;-)
> [1] this goes beyond crashes and extends to busy loops -> consider if the
> compositing process locks up .. how does the user then go about fixing it?
> can't see any input or windows -> compositor is still running, just not able
> to paint ...
For the last point I don't understand any difference to the situation we have 
right now. We are f*** up when the compositor locks up. Luckily I have not 
heard of it for several years :-) Btw in 4.10 I want to work on getting the 
compositor into an own thread to make it more unlikely that the window manager 
could lock up the compositor.


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