Hello all KDE developers!

Over the course of our school semester we have been assigned the task of
helping the development of Plasma Active, a task that has been very
intriguing and interesting for all of us. We are a student group of six
members that have been asked to improve the Plasma Active user experience
in any way that we could, and have focused on two main aspects of the
framework, namely the keyboard and the internet browser.

Please see details at:

Being able to work with a framework and a design that bases itself on such
revolutionary principles in innovative software such as Plasma Active, we
have had a lot of fun working on the project, and as the semester comes
toward a close, we would like some feedback from KDE developers to help us
realize the potential and approval (or disproval) of our work.

Having produced design documents and simple prototypes to back our claims
of what would be an improvement to an already groundbreaking framework; we
would ask all interested developers to please give any feedback to us, so
that we can build an even better project report for our final delivery.

We are somewhat delayed in our appeal to you all, as our deadline for this
assignment is the 20th of May.

Hopefully you have some time to look at our designs and ideas and give us
your thoughts on what we did right or wrong. Are these designs something
you would have liked to work with or help develop further? Would the
designs fit in with the already innovative and intuitive designs that
Plasma Active facilitate? Seeing developers embrace the ideas and for the
benefit of the community would mean a lot to us.

If this seems interesting to you, please reply with your thoughts on this.
Any feedback is good feedback.

On behalf of the entire student group, I thank you in advance for your help
and cooperation. Keep up the awesome jobs you are doing!

-         Erik Joramo & Jana Majeed (Students at NITH, Norwegian School of
Information Technology)
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