Am 06.06.2012 10:58, schrieb Aaron J. Seigo:
Maybe a Venn diagram of what is Plasma, Active and KDE, would be helpful.

KDE is a community, so there's no intersection there. :)

Active is the act of bringing Plasma to consumer electronic devices that are
more like appliances than the usua desktop/laptops we target with
Desktop and
Netbook; our starting point is (relatively) large-screen touch devices.
personal opinion: we should sit down next week and work on that area. A Venn diagram might not be the solution, but an architecture diagram.

After reading sebas reply to this thread and your reply, I am completely confused and my understanding of what "active" is and what "plasma" is does not fit yours and not sebas definition.

I think one of the problem is that "Plasma" stands for different things in different context. The same problem as we had with "KDE". So yes we should consider to sit down and define what is what and how it interacts with each other.

My understanding: Plasma is a technology to create user experiences. One of the experience is desktop, one is active. That active nowadays seems also related to the desktop formfactor is complete news to me.

So yes there is clearly things to sit down and define and maybe even rename things to make it clear what we talk of.

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