On Saturday, June 9, 2012 12:37:47 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> There might be a misunderstanding. I do not say that we have to require
> OpenGL compositing, I'm saying that the stack underneath us broke for the
> non composited case (either XRender or OpenGL). If you want I can search
> for the bug reports where things are broken only for non-composited setups
> (that is a complete shift over the last two years).

yes, i'd appreciate it if you could.

btw: i run without compositing on my main laptop most of the time. other
machines in the house run with compositing on.

> Do you have any numbers for the non-Linux systems?

nope. :)

> I would be interested to
> know how many there really are. I just did my "metric" by looking at the bug
> reports reported over the last 12 months on KWin and that gives me 3 bugs
> reported on FreeBSD and 3 on Solaris, compared to 824 on Linux.

they also represent developers and testers.

one can chase the end user sooooo hard that we kill the community in the
process. some other projects have managed to do this and it hurts the
sustainability of the project in the long term.

> Personally I have a problem with saying we support something, that:
> a) we don't test

they test it. that's the entire point of distributed, open development: we
don't have to do everything. this way even groups in the minority can get the
service they want.

there is a difference between saying "you have to test this.." and "we are
dropping your platform so you can't even do that." the latter closes doors.

Aaron J. Seigo

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