Hey there to everyone!

Months ago we started to port all plasmoids to QML, we have come a long way 
and now it seems we are getting close to finish the huge task.

During this short period of time, a lot of people have worked on QML: GSoC, 
sporadic developers, etc. Because of that we have a little bit of mess in 
terms of what's done, what have to be finished, who is working on what, etc.

To solve this, we have created/improved a wikipage with a nice table where we 
can list all Plasmoids and Containers that need porting, as well of the status 
and who is working on it.

It is important that we keep this table up to date so we can coordinate better 
the effort between everybody willing to work on it.

This is the site:

We have moved old bits of information to it, so even though the table is quite 
full of information it is surelly outdated.

Everybody is invited to take a look at the page, and updated it if there is 
some information missing or incorrect.
besides being able to better coordinate, we can have the point of the 
situation and see what plasmoids is realistic to push for inclusion in 4.10.

Cheerz !
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