On Sunday 16 September 2012, Reza Shah wrote:
> Hi,
> I have pushed some changes for comic plasmoid at rshah/comicqml.
> Basically i just move some UI parts to QML side, and left the logic as
> current(hopefully)
> As i'm never use this plasmoid before, i'm not sure if some bugs
> introduced in this porting exist previously or new bugs.
> There are some issues i'm aware off, and need some inputs:
> - i'm not using(not ported yet) ImageWidget class, i just use normal
> QImageItem (not sure if we really need scrollbars as implemented in
> ImageWidget)

is fine, keep it simple(tm)
is one of the points of qml plasmoids.

i think it should:
* keep the image scaled keeping proportions, always scaled to display it full
* top level window unscaled, with optional scrollbars triggered by middle 
mouse button and the 1:1 tool button

> - not sure how to port the ability to change plasmoid size after comic
> strips loaded (ComicApplet::updateSize()).

i always very much disagreed with that feature, it did break it for any 
containment that is not the desktop.
should be dropped and strongly discouraged in any plasmoid

> - 'Actual Size' action not implemented, related to ImageWidget.
> - The cursor for comic identifier and comic url label not changed to
> pointing hand

yeah, the hardest part will be the full size view by middle click
> - Not sure if ComicTabbar (qml) should be exposed to C++ side or not.
> - The buttons(prev,next,zoom) in ButtonBar, will not be highlighted on
> mouse hover

i seen that part seems to use a Rectangle, it should be a Toolbar with 
ToolButtons inside, i may take a look on that.

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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