hi ..

i've pushed my develsettings branch into plasma-mobile. it adds a new panel 
which does three things:

* shows/hides the menu entry for the terminal application (useful so it is not 
shown by default in Launch)
* enables/disables ssh access
* makes the pointer visible / invisible

one thing it does not yet do that i would like it to is to install konsole if 
there is no terminal application on the device. this probably means some 
PackageKit hacking.

the code that does all the bits of magic is not the most amazingly gorgeous as 
it deals with ugly bits of X11 and fd.o desktop standards .. but it seems to 
work :)

testing and feedback welcome.

the branch also:

* removes the text "Active Settings" from the startup page of the application 
as that seems superfluous and more visual noise
* allows for ordering of panels so that, e.g., the devel panel appears last. 
(actually, i haven't  pushed that yet, but will be doing so..)

i'd like to merge this into master after PA3 is released (unless someone feels 
there is a really good reason to put it into PA3 and can do some more QA 

Aaron J. Seigo

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