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------Original Message------
From: Ural Mullabaev <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, September 28, 2012 2:08:41 PM GMT+0400
Subject: Re: Including Stackfolder to 4.10

> On Friday, September 28, 2012 12:19:10 Ural Mullabaev wrote:
> > Config dialog was specially removed to simplify applet.
> > To add applet you should drag folder e.g. from Dolphin to panel and
> > choose
> > StackFolder item in the popup menu. Added applet will associate with
> > dragged folder.
> this means it does not work when added from the add widgets interface.
> which
> means 1 of 2 things needs to happen:
> * it gets a config dialog that lets you set the current directory
> * it is set to hidden so it does not show in Add Widgets
It's strange behavior. When you using "Add widgets" dialog it has to set home 
directory. In our system it works like that. We can do it the same or hide 
applet in the dialog or as a last resort implement config dialog. How should we 
do it?

Ural Mullabaev
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