I tried reading those codes to find some clue which i can use to get
best thumbnail size for non-file data (like for color wallpaper).
Not sure if i can find any.

Maybe i should use kephal to find current screen geometry and
calculate best size based on it's result?
Or is there any convenient function inside plasma which can be
accessed directly from wallpaper plugin?

On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 7:41 AM, Aaron J. Seigo <ase...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 3, 2012 21:18:48 Reza Shah wrote:
>> Which part of 'Image' wallpaper plugin codes handle this behavior?
> iirc, the WallpaperPackage subclass of Plasma::Package. it looks to find the
> "most suitable" image for the given screen resolution.
> Wallpaper plugins can also have render hints for target size (e.g. screen
> resolution) and Package uses that to aid its search for the "most suitable".
> then BackgroundListModel uses a KIO::PreviewJob to generate the thumbnail from
> that file.
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