On Wednesday 24 October 2012, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 24, 2012 12:01:35 Marco Martin wrote:
> > in practiche i see a bit of difficulty for components:
> > basically we have to have an entire installed copy of components for each
> > target, so right now there is a complete set for desktop a complete set
> > for touch, adding more, or subcases, like touch:tablet would make the
> > number of installed files grow exponentuially
> well, linear growth, but yes, it would grow if we just copied them around.
> that's why i suggested symlinks :)
> if "tablet" IS "touch", then we don't need a separate set, right? just a
> symlink on disk from the directory containing the touch components to one
> called "tablet"

the rationale was in the case of components probably touch is universal enough
while for the applets/apps themselves there may be differences between 
symlinks of all devices with touch may be good enough

Marco Martin
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