On Friday, October 26, 2012 11:35:57 Dmitry Ashkadov wrote:
> Thank you! Is somebody who periodically merges KDE 4.X to master or it
> must be made by who fixes bug?

the bug fixer; kdelibs is different -> it is merged periodically by someone 
(usually dfaure). hopefully in future all our core modules will be like this. 
but we're missing integration maintainers right now.

i'm going to be dong this for plasma-mobile, btw, and when kde-workspace moves 
eventually to the future Frameworks 5 libraries i'd like at that point to also 
move kde-workspace to an "integration maintainer" style.

but for now .. yes, it's up to each bug fixer (meh! :)

> If I do some refactoring what branch should I use? As I understand I
> should use master and my changes will be brought to next KDE release
> (4.11) only?

master is still 4.10 .. 4.10 has not yet been branched and won't be until 
sometime around the Release Candidates in a couple months time.

so just go to work in master; or better -> work in a local branch and when 
it's in good shape then merge your local branch into master and push to 
origin/master. i suggest this because it lets you quickly switch back to 
master without losing work and if your refactoring goes badly then you can 
just start again very easily :) this tends to be what i do in such situations 
and it has saved me lots of effort more than once!

Aaron J. Seigo

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