On Monday 29 October 2012 21:42:18 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> hi..
> we have a style guide for our C++ code: the kdelibs style, which was mostly
> borrowed from Qt. unfortunately for us there was no QML guide we could
> similarly abscond with.
> and it shows.
> summary -> i've started putting together a QML style guide draft and would
> like your input and to bring it completion in a collaboration with all of
> you who are writing QML for Plasma. to that end, i've started a wiki page
> here:
>       http://community.kde.org/Plasma/QMLStyle
> nothing is set in stone. let's make it great.
For JavaScript I would recommend to use coding style which validates on JSLint 
[1] and I would say that we should make it a requirement that our JavaScript 
code is JSLint compliant. Next step then: make build.kde.org run JSLint on all 
our JavaScript files and send us nasty mails if it's not compliant any more 


[1] http://jslint.com/

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