On Tuesday 13 November 2012 11:36:48 Nuno Pinheiro wrote:
> A Terça, 13 de Novembro de 2012 11:21:34 Marco Martin escreveu:
> > It would be something that looks way less cluttered than kickoff, but with
> > not many regressions
> +++++++++++ 1 also we need to think about some intrudutory videos to kde
> somtimes we wont ve able make all things in kde instantly discoverable if
> they are a bit outside the way users are used to usualy use an
> app/feature...
> My idea is for the most part what Marco sudgest an enhanced krunner that
> still provides most features that kickoff ofers, and still possible to be
> navigated with the mouse.
> I also have some idea's how we can "teach users" how to use the keybord
> function by, auto completion of the krunner text area wille navigating the
> menu structure, (hinting to the user that typing that into that filed would
> provide similar results).
> I'm a mostly a mouse interaction guy, and find krunner like lounching way
> more convinient.
In a thread we had moonths or even a year ago a lot of people agreed in that 
we should emphasize on Favorites, Bookmarks or whatever you want to call it.
First steps were done in a tokamak were taskmanager gained launchers and a few 
default app's.

Most users regularly use less than a dozen applications, and same idea can 
probably be applied to activities I think (it is ok to keep an activity I 
created 9month ago for a travel I did to Rome, it is not ok to have it in the 
interface every time I want to change activity).

In another topic, something I specially like from homerun is its "Show all 
apps" view:

It made me realize that right now with kickoff we are adding a huge complexity 
to find (with the mouse) what you are looking for because you not only have to 
remember the icon or the name, but you also have to remember the category.
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