On Saturday, November 17, 2012 19:36:27 Marco Martin wrote:
> On Saturday 17 November 2012, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > > like if is more than ~20 characters wide, we would assume is not
> > > something serving as a simple menu, but is a complex thing, so center...
> > 
> > or maybe just compare the popup size to the target item size .. if the
> > target item is N times wider/taller (depending on orientation) than the
> > popup, position at event location. otherwise center.
> > 
> > N = 2 might work?
> but is also true that when n is < 2 the difference between centered and on
> the left isn't that much anymore...

exactly; it's when it is N > 2 (or some other fixed constant we find through 
trial and error) that alignment to the trigger event (e.g. mouse press) 
becomes better.

that's sort of the problem: for different ratios of popup to target, the answer 
of 'what looks best and is easier to use' changes.

> so what about trying to just default to centered and see how it works?

for N < 2, sure. for things the width of the taskbar, it really sucks. i tried 
this in the past, which is why it stayed left aligned by default.
> also noting that with this different behavior based on the popup size, the
> behavior can get a bit "magical" in the bad sense a bit inconsistent.

i'm not sure it would be magical in the *bad* sense. if the "magical choice" 
is simply more convenient in each case (and the user does not need to adapt 
much or at all when the choice varies) then it won't matter.

Aaron J. Seigo

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