On Thursday, February 14, 2013 02:08:10 Shaun Reich wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 2:04 AM, Martin Gräßlin <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:
> > Virtual Desktops are not a legacy concept in the world of Activities. The
> > usage of virtual desktops is to group your windows that is a need not
> > going
> > away with Activities.
> >
> > Blocking any change to VDs because they are considered as legacy is not
> > the
> > way to go and in KWin they are currently the first class citizen and will
> > stay
> > that way and will get enhancements.
> hm, interesting. i always thought they were *shrug*

activities can replace VDs for some people, depending on how they are used,
but they are largely orthogonal. virtual desktops as a concept are about
spatial organization of windows; activities are about semantic organization
based on a "who, what, when" state.

that said, activities are meant to be a "for everyone" feature, while VDs are
pretty much a power user thing (not our choosing, the market of ideas has
simply spoken there :)

Aaron J. Seigo

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