On Saturday 25 May 2013 17:40:10 Jekyll Wu wrote:
> On 2013年05月25日 15:19, Martin Graesslin wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Plasma has many open crash reports for outdated versions [1]. I would
> > suggest to close them all as:
> > a) Stack traces most likely do not match any more
> > b) It's quite likely that it's a duplicate
> > c) Users can easily reopen if it's still valid with latest version
> > d) If it's a crash and still valid it will be reported again (given enough
> > eyes...)
> I like the idea in general, but the suggested bug list is a little
> dangerous (meaning it might cause very bad public image) :
> 1. it contains quite a few "CONFIRMED" and "REOPENED" reports, so
> closing them will certainly make users angry and be reopened again
> later. For such reports, we could ask "can someone try and see whether
> it is still valid in 4.10.3 ?" but really should not close it and wait
> for angry users to shout and reopen it.
oh that was just an example query. I would have tried to get it more fine-
grained. I think your one looks really good, but I will probably also have a 
look at the CONFIRMED and REOPENED ones - personal experience: it doesn't mean 
anything, especially REOPENED.

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