El Diumenge, 26 de maig de 2013, a les 00:17:42, Kai Uwe Broulik va escriure:
> Hi,
> > Dependency freeze for 4.11 releases[...]
> > * kde-workspace depends on kdelibs 4.9.4
> For my battery monitor revamp I did adjustments to kdelibs so it exposes
> more battery properties through Solid. These currently reside in master,
> meaning kde-workspace would need to depend on kdelibs 4.11. I guess I could
> adjust the battery monitor to function without these properties but the
> dataengine that exposes them to the battery monitor uses those functions in
> solid. Namely: Solid::Battery::isPowerSupply and capacity (review pending).
> Those would need to be ifdef'd out which I guess is not desirable.
> How should I proceed?

It seems Aaron answered you in plasma-devel leaving out kde-devel so i missed 
the answer.

Also I see noone has done anything to kde-workspace dependency. Is anyone 
going to increase that dependency? Technically you have less than 2 hours to 
do it inside the freeze.


> Greetings,
> Kai Uwe
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