On Tuesday, 2013-06-04, Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> Hi all,
> over the last few days I worked through the crash reports from Plasma. As
> discussed a large number got resolved as downstream and I tried to mark
> quite a lot as duplicate. Now we have ~100 open reports left.

I just remembered something related to duplicates of crash reports.
On my flight back from FOSDEM I got to set next to a QA engineer from Mozilla. 
He told me that one thing they do with crash reports is to evalute their 
number of occurences and other statistical data in order to prioritize actual 

I.e. a crash that gets lots of duplicates happens a lot, thus fixing it has 
the highest impact on user happiness.

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring

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