On Monday 19 August 2013 20:55:49 Martin Graesslin wrote:
> On Monday 19 August 2013 22:38:09 Bhushan Shah wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I am using project-neon5 on KUbuntu 13.04. I have every packages
> > installed on my computer which is required to build. I can not build
> > kwin, kstyles and powermanagement data engine so I have to disable it
> > for building kde-workspace.
> > 
> > CMake exits saying that XCB Libraries are not installed. [1] Well I
> > have every xcb* packages installed on my computer. And related library
> > files are present on my computer [2].
> > 
> > Invoking pkg-config with --debug prints that xcb packages are
> > installed. [3]. And here is my env output. I still can not figure out
> > what is wrong? My system? Project Neon 5? Extra cmake modules? Or
> > myself? :-|
> give a try to:
> aptitude search xcb | grep dev
> and compare to my output:
> http://paste.kde.org/p23fb1d84/
> I'm pretty sure that some dev package is missing and that they are available
> on Ubuntu otherwise project-neon could not compile 4.11 ;-)
and obviously you could just do:
apt-get build-dep kde-workspace


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