On Tuesday 24 September 2013 18:04:55 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > * Qt5 doesn't seem to have the API we need to do our xembed tricks
> > anymore,
> > 
> >   especially QX11EmbedContainer is gone.
> it’s missing more than gone; i’ve heard several times that someone or
> another was working on it.
which wouldn't be in time for Qt 5.2 anymore. So earliest is Qt 5.3 which 
might be too late for our needs.
> >   If we even get it to work under
> > 
> > X11, it seems entirely futile to expect this to be feasible in a Wayland
> > world.
> agreed ...
well for supporting legacy applications it would be needed in the same way as 
for supporting GTK+ application on X11.

> > When I asked Martin if he knew a way to do the xembed, he replied (being
> > Martin ;)) asking if we can just kill it and quoted starwars. I wonder:
> > Can
> > we kill it yet?
> if Gtk+ supported status notifiers natively, then i’d say “yes”. it doesn’t,
> so anyone who uses a Gtk+ application with a system tray icon will suddenly
> not be able to access it. i’m pretty sure that’s going to cause  problems.
what's the status of the Ubuntu implementation? Is it that an app has to 
explicitly link against it?
> as the GNOME devs are currently porting to Wayland as well, now would be a
> good time to find out what they plan to do with their xembed system tray.
I just tried to find some information on how they are using it and somehow I'm 
not sure whether the xembed systray is available at all in GNOME...
> oh, and the tasks widget ought  to gain support for application based status
> notifiers (so that the system tray can opt out of them) as well as
> skiplists. what i’d really like to see is this become a part of the wayland
> specific support that  we can build around the “every window has an
> associated .desktop file” thing. Martin?
sounds good to me.


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