Hi Mark,

On Monday, November 25, 2013 14:57:33 Mark Gaiser wrote:
> I want to do the move to extragear + release this week.
> Can plasma then depend on that library?

No, we don't want that. Please don't move it.

OTOH, whoever uses these things needs plasma-framework anyway, so keeping it 
there is not a problem for users. Once kdepimlibs becomes ready, we might 
consider moving some of the model stuff there, but as long as that's not the 
case, the point is moot.

> I guess plasma can't because of pimlibs.. This would be temporary
> issue (until pimlibs gets "frameworkized").

Why not just develop these components in plasma-framework? It fits topically, 
the components use Plasma, so they depend on it anyway. That makes it one less 
dependency for *every* user, and saves headaches in synching of versions.

Especially, if you don't have time right now to work on it, it makes no sense 
to move them out, then let them hang there. That's less visibility and more 
pita for everyone involved. On the other side, we're working on it right now, 
you can join the fun once you've got time again. This is not a component that 
can be owned by one person, and depend on his/her schedule alone.

> == Calendar is no calendar ==
> Lastly a slight bit of concern. When Heena copied the calendar bits to
> plasma i was afraid that there was going to be some divergence between
> the two places and now that seems to have happened. However, the
> calendar bits in plasma don't seem to be about the calendar at all.
> It's just the grid calculation stuff that is actually enabled in
> there. Everything else - the real calendar bits - are disabled. So i
> think we need to make a decision here. It was my initial plan to have
> calendar components that both provide you the calendar grid data and
> provide the actual calendar events simply because that's the easiest.
> However, the actual events seem to be thoroughly disabled in plasma so
> perhaps it's better to split it up in:
> 1. Calendar Grid - components for just the calendar grid data
> 2. Calendar Events - components that expose calendar data

Not really, the models are there, the locale handling is there, it's not "just 
a grid. I've actually put more things together in the same place, since it was 
scattered across plasma-framework and the digital clock widgets. Now it's 


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