On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 6:41 AM, Marco Martin <notm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Saturday 30 November 2013, Alan Alpert wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes, this was a change on purpose. Sorry for not informing you, as I did
>> recall that you were wanting to use it.
>> The issue is that we're starting to work on ahead of time compilation of
>> for 5.3, and we think the url interceptor might get in the way(because
>> types and urls can otherwise resolve in different ways at runtime, and
>> precompiling the types is the main draw of AOT) . If we do rewrite that
>> part of the engine, we'll need to make it more module based instead of urls
>> (which would then allow me to provide a similar level of control at the
>> module level, which should suffice for the security mechanism we talked
>> about).
>> If leaving it as private api is okay for you guys, I'll just make a note to
>> email plasma-development if we end up changing it. Otherwise I will press
>> the engine engineers to make up their minds, to see if we can go back to
>> making it public.
> I don't think we can really distribute something which is not guaranteed to
> stay binary compatible across future versions of Qt.
> So we're pretty much back to our original problem we had before QtCS, but this
> time with to way to solve it (except a bit worse since some plasmoids are
> starting to assume urls will be resolved in the expected way)

Oh, are you guys planning to release something on 5.2? I thought you
were still in an early development phase. If you're going to release
something, we'll have to put QQmlAbstractUrlInterceptor back in - just
keep in mind it may be deprecated in 5.3 (if we need to replace it,
there's not much way around that...).

I'll push the 'revert revert' tomorrow, it would help if one of you
can +1 when I do that, maybe mention which release is depending on it.

Alan Alpert
Plasma-devel mailing list

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