On Monday 30 December 2013, Artur Souza wrote:
> Hey Marco! :D
> On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 6:56 AM, Marco Martin <notm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > ehi Arthur, such a long time :D
> Indeed :)
> > a possible painful, but not hard idea:
> > I'm not sure if we are happy about the api of qml bindings, well, i am
> > not, but is a matter of how much pain causes to change now.
> > if we fix some of the api pieces now, one thing that would have to be
> > done is to port everything that refers it.. long, painful, but not hard.
> > there are some details would be really good to change, like potentially
> > getting rid of DataModel, DataSource->DataEngineConsumer and things like
> > that. No idea if it's suited for the program
> Well, I think it's suited and we can propose it. Do you mind writing a
> quick description under "Project Proposal":
> http://community.kde.org/Open_Academy ?
> Let me know if you need any help! :D

So, i added there two tasks:
porting away from kde4support

and the adapting of plasmoids to api change

Anybody that has more ideas is welcome to add stuff/change it.
Those two tasks don't look much great to me to me after all, that's all i 
could think of at the moment, ideas welcome.
As mentoring, I can do one, so needless to say, volunteers are welcome :p

Marco Martin
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