That certainly makes it clearer in my opinion. +1 here.

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Albert Astals Cid <> wrote:
> El Dimarts, 14 de gener de 2014, a les 21:07:57, Martin Graesslin va escriure:
>> On Tuesday 14 January 2014 20:34:15 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>> > El Dimarts, 14 de gener de 2014, a les 20:18:17, Sebastian Kügler va
>> escriure:
>> > > Hey,
>> > >
>> > > Until now, we've been using "Plasma 2" as a working title for the next
>> > > version of Plasma. We never formalized this, and the last discussion we
>> > > had
>> > > about this died out without producing a clear result. We've gone over
>> > > these
>> > > points during the sprint, and discussed some details about it.
>> > >
>> > > Some things that came up that we think are important for a new name:
>> > >
>> > > - We don't want it to be too technical, it should be engaging to "normal
>> > >
>> > >   people"
>> > >
>> > > - Version numbers seem confusing an not very expressive, these should
>> > > rather be a technical detail (for example to group bugzilla entries)
>> > > - We want something that can be related to its release date
>> > > - We don't want to see it tied to a single class of devices
>> > >
>> > > We came up with the following scheme, which we'd like to propose:
>> > >
>> > > * The upcoming release of the KDE Plasma Workspaces is called Plasma
>> > > * The version number used is Month (as name) + year
>> > > * Each release gets a codename based on a marine animal (*1), in
>> > > alphabetical order, one for each feature release
>> > > * The exact name should be decided by the promo team (we have domain
>> > > experts that can give input, *ahum*)
>> > > * "workspaces" should hardly be used at all, it's a technical term and
>> > > doesn't bear all that much meaning for users
>> > >
>> > > So, some examples how that's used:
>> > >
>> > > * "Please file a bug against Plasma June/2014"
>> >
>> > I do like it, but how does this work with bugfix vs feature releases?
>> >
>> > I.e. as a user may want to see if the new release i'm going to install is
>> > a
>> > bugfix release (i.e. i'm going from 4.12.0 to 4.12.1) or if it is a new
>> > feature release (i.e. i'm going from 4.12.0 to 4.13.0).
>> "KDE releases the January Update to the October 2014 release of Plasma"
> Do we need to mention the month the update is out? What about
> "KDE releases the First/Second/Third Update to the October 2014 release of
> Plasma"
> ?
>> For bugzilla an internal version number is used anyway.
>> Cheers
>> Martin
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