On Friday 17 January 2014 10:20:24 Martin Klapetek wrote:
> I think this is also a way to send a message to those apps still using
> XEmbed - "your [systray] stuff is old and crap, use some 21st century tech,
> if you're not willing to, we're not willing to keep supporting your old
> stuff" (hello phoronix). The downside I can see with that is enterprise
> systems, which most of those XEmbed apps target - they do not have support
> for that 21st century tech (like systems running KDE3 or GNOME2), so I can
> see a reason why apps keeping with XEmbed. But, you need to draw the line
> somewhere. If the user fallout is too big, I think it would be good to
> reconsider then (hello Skype and Dropbox).

That's an important point. After all we deprecated the XEmbed systray a few 
years ago by introducing the status notifiers. So applications had time to 
adopt the new world and they still have time.

Anyway with Wayland it's not going to work at all and that should be obvious 
to any application which uses a technology starting with X ;-)


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