Am Samstag, 18. Januar 2014, 09.23:06 schrieb Martin Graesslin:
> Hi all,

Morning Martin

Very good summary. Thx!

> thanks to Martin for providing the pointer. Please everyone keep both lists
> in the CC. Replying to the thread makes it really difficult otherwise.
> That's why I am not replying to any mail know.
> I just want to add a few notes to the "code name" topic. First of all I
> think that any comparison to Ubuntu and MacOS does not matter. Whether
> they are successful or not cannot be reduced to the name at all. Also I
> want to point out that during our discussions we hardly scratched the
> topic of those communities. In the case of Ubuntu it was only in the
> negative. I remember that we:
> * considered the name as too difficult (it's always an English word at
> least I had never heard before and my English is not that bad ;-)
> * considered it as a problem in discussions with externals. E.g. upstream-
> downstream communication is broken when referring to the code name
> * they use multiple code names and sometimes it's referred to as the
> adjective and sometimes the complete name
> I cannot remember that we discussed the Mac case. But I brought up the
> topic of code names and I got the inspiration from Eclipse which uses a
> moon name scheme. Which I find quite neat given that it needs a moon to
> get an eclipse.
> Whether or not to use the code name in external communication I do not want
> to comment on, but I want to point out that we need a code name for our
> internal communication as the date scheme doesn't work for internal
> communication. The release might get delayed to another month and that
> could make things difficult. In that thinking the code name might also be
> useful during announcements of beta releases which are targeting the more
> informed people anyway.
> The initial idea I gave for a code name pattern was using famous persons of
> the field of Physics. E.g.
> * Plasma Cooper
> * Plasma Hofstadter
> The thought here is that Plasma already uses many words from physics in
> it's internal naming. E.g. Plasmoid, Corona, Containment, etc. So I
> thought that would be nice in the scheme. As said I got the inspiration
> from Eclipse.
> The argument against that scheme was that it's too geeky and e.g. a "Plasma
> Einstein" would reference complexity and not an easy to use. If we consider
> to not use the code name in the external communication it would be
> possible to use a more geeky scheme again which is fun for us to use with.
> Looking at other projects which do that they seem to have lots of fun with
> it (hello Beefy Miracle (worst name ever)).

Big +1 to this idea and the internal code name. Together with the date release 
name for the public it sounds quite reasonable now.


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