On 01/22/2014 09:13 AM, Sebastian Kügler wrote:

[please keep plasma-devel cq. kde-promo in CC:]

On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 15:03:20 Markus Slopianka wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2014, 10:56:02 schrieb Martin Gräßlin:
We made it always quite clear that this is a working title
No, you didn't. *I* know that it was meant to be a working title but it was
not always made clear in public communication.
You know, an incomplete quote is not going to help in this discussion:

Martin wrote:
We made it always quite clear that this is a working title - at least it was
always quite clear to us.
The latter part is highly relevant here. Maybe removing it makes it easier to
get your point across, but accuracy is quite important as well.

Quite frankly I cannot understand how you could have read my mail, which
includes links to four articles, and still claim that the working title
disclaimer has always been put in them...
To me, it was always clear that it's a working title.

Besides, out of 4 articles you link to, two don't even have "Plasma 2" in them
(there's "Plasma Workspaces 2", which we don't want for other reasons).

Most importantly: We are free to change the name, and given there are good
reasons for it, and we haven't invested a lot in "Plasma 2" as a name, to me
it's completely fine.

In the professional world, the final name is almost never the same as the
working title, it even can give some extra boost to the actual release.

Bottom line: we can go on discussing this for ages, what we need is a decision
(which we've proposed, and which has been further refined). Taking a few steps
back and going over the same discussion again is not going to get any work
done, it's just hindering.

Plasma (by KDE) is the user-visible brand. Whether it is the fourth update to the 2014 release is technical to me. I'm a user of the KDE software product. I'm impressed with the underlying technologies, but engage with them mainly because they become available in my distribution upgrade channels. I get to benefit when the changes are positive and am occasionally bothered when some sort of glitch shows up.

Plasma, with a "turbo boost, semi-hemi engine" or whatever. The extra information is marketing which might make me seek out the software.

Version numbers are informational, indicating the maturity of a particular installation. With backports, etc. even that can become confused.

But "KDE's latest update of Plasma is available today for your computer, your laptop, your tablet, your smart-wrist-bangel...Look for it in your favorite distribution soon." Adding the details for the excitement and education of users comes next.

Good luck. Keep the good work coming. I love the stuff I can do with my Plasma powered laptop (thanks to the hard work of the KDE community).


Algot Runeman

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