On Wednesday 29 January 2014, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 00:06:45 Marco Martin wrote:
> > So, the import of the applet can have its own containment instance (not
> > even a  qml containment, just a dumb containment = new
> > Plasma::Containment())
> > 
> > then if we manage to make its configgroup child of the systray config
> > group,  all should be just fine.
> So the configuration ends up as a "top level" containment in the config
> file then, automatically, or do we need to wire that up somehow as well?
> Otherwise, good read. :)

if the containment is just created and not added with corona::addContainment, 
then corona doesn't know anything about it, and you can manually call save, 
savecontents, they have a configgroup as parameter, so should be possible to 
save it anywhere in the config, even under the systray's group

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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