Hi Harish,

Good that you are interested in the Simon integration. This project will
require additions to both Simon and PMC so you will have to closely work
with Peter Grasch along with the Plasma team to come up with a proposal.

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 6:20 PM, R.Harish Navnit <harishnav...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Shantanu Tushar Jha <shant...@kde.org>wrote:
>> Hi Harish,
>> We did discuss some ideas and will be putting it on the ideas list asap.
>> Feel free to propose your ideas as well :)
> I checked some of the ideas mentioned in the ideas page. I find the
> project "Integrate with Simon" quite interesting and would actually like to
> work on the same for my GSoC project if possible.
> Here are some more feature that I'd like to see implemented, either as a
> GSoC or as simple modules anyways.
> 1. Creating a detailed Settings page(right now it's really blank and
> contains little options).

Yes this is one of the things I'd like to be done.

> 2. Enabling profiles(admin and subversions where an individual can store
> personal settings) in PMC.

I don't understand this.

> 3. Several basic features like when viewing Pictures, and option to
> rotate/zoom/crop/add effects would be great.
>     When playing songs, adding basic features like "Shuffle", "Repeat" and
> fetching lyrics(and subtitles for videos) should be added.

Keep in mind that a media center should have only basic features. In that
way, I'll want to only add rotate and zoom.

> 4. It'd be great if the songs being played can be viewed with the album
> cover and some basic visualization also being added.
>     Sorting the list of songs and adding ratings can be included.

Album covers are already shown. Visualization will be a great idea, but
you'll have to do some research on how to implement it. I'll be working on
sorting shortly after we move to Baloo and same about ratings.

> 5. Adding simple news feeds that just flow by in the bottom of the screen
> while other activities are carried on simultaneously.(user can
>     add the source)

I find this pretty irritating in XBMC, and personally don't want that in

> 6. The current playing track must not be stopped if a picture is opened
> for viewing(can this be considered a bug?)

This is expected behavior. If you want music tom play while viewing
pictures, play the music first and then go to the pictures.

>  7. Finally an idea as such
> http://community.kde.org/GSoC/2010/Ideas#Project:_Distributed_Collections 
> implemented
> in PMC would be
>      cool as well.

Not sure if we want this.

> While it'd be great if any of the above mentioned can be added to the
> ideas page of GSoC '14, I do understand that they might not necessarily
> have the caliber of a GSoC project idea :)

You're free to have a proposal with ideas even when they're not listed in
the ideas page anyway :)

> Warm Regards.
> Thanking You
> R.Harish Navnit
> The Enigma <http://harishnavnit.wordpress.com/>
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