On Friday 07 March 2014 13:37:22 Martin Gräßlin wrote:

> > If they have to be split into two, I suggest renaming them into
> > something more correct instead of something precise - like
> > "Eye candy" and "Compositing KWM system", one being
> > extremely childish and fancyful and the other unecessarily
> > technical and complex. Signalling accessability with one, and
> > distance with the other.
> I'm certainly fine with adding better names but "Eye candy" is a no-go. Our
> Effects are not about eye candy - Present Windows is everything but not eye
> candy. If we go for such a name it causes a backslash.
> My suggestion would be to go in the direction of "Windowing System Plugins"
> for Desktop Effects, for Compositing I don't know a better name, just that
> it may not include KWin or KWM :-) But yeah not showing in systemsettings
> is an option. Probably the best fitting name is "Compositor" which is the
> established technical term for this kind of applications.

I agree that "Eye Candy" would not be a good name (not because it's imprecise, 
but because "eye candy" has a pretty negative connotation with many Free 
Software users, which would not do our effects justice, given that many of 
them have real practical value.

On the other hand, "Windowing System Plugins" would certainly not attract 
those people we're targeting with that KCM: Users who don't even know what 
compositing means, but want to turn certain effects on or off.

Seems like we need to brainstorm to find an okay name. I fear that we won't 
find a name that really fits since the effects - or plugins - are such a 
diverse bunch.

Does anyone know how other compositing WMs call their effects/plugin settings?

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