On Monday, March 10, 2014 11:22:05 Marco Martin wrote:
> On Sunday 09 March 2014, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > 
> >
> > With the feature freeze looming in less than 24 hours, it's time to shift
> > or focus to quality improvements. We have a whole bunch of new
> > awesomeness, and perhaps even more new ideas. For now, we'll have to take
> > a step back and admit that we can't do everything at once, and concentrate
> I woul like some granularity for plasma-framework as well.
> a plasma-framework product with for subproducts:
> * libplasma
> * libplasmaquick
> * components (one subproduct per component or only a components subproduct?)
> * scriptengine
> very granular and user of course will mostly report all in the same place
> but  at least we can move them in the proper place afterwards

+1, as long as we can list them all in the same list, granularity is good.

> > That means that we also need to shift our work to a slightly different
> > process. I'd like to include in our Monday meetings a shortlist of "most
> > important bugs to tackle", so that we don't get lost in the sheer number
> > of
> > them, not all bugs are equal, and some are definitely more annoying than
> > others. In order to get a quick overview of bugs that affect us, you can
> >
> > use the following predefined search:
> >  https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?cmdtype=runnamed&namedcmd=plasma-shell&l
> >i>
> > st_id=942085
> hmm, says invalid search to me

Yes, apparently it's private to me. I've just searched for bugs against the 
"plasma-shell" product. I could not find a way to share my saved search, maybe 
I'm just dense. If anybody knows how to make a search public, I'd love to hear 


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