Good day Plasma

There is a Technology demonstration release 2 due next week according
to .  Sebas is
away and has asked that I help out with release management.  Would
that be welcomed?

What needs released?  Seems to be Comme Font (was Oxygen Font,
annoyingly I can't get it to compile without FontForge segfaulting),
kde-runtime and kde-workspace.  Except kde-runtime and kde-workspace
are being split up, is there any plan written down for what happening
to them?

Am I right in thinking that kde-runtime should be co-installable with
the equivalent from kdelibs4 land?  This probably needs quite a lot of
bits renaming. (I've started on kglobalaccel

Am I right in thinking that kde-workspace doesn't need to be
coinstallable with kdelibs4 equivalent?

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