On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 6:56 PM, Marco Martin <notm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Friday 25 April 2014 17:46:23 David Edmundson wrote:
>> > Well... it's been planned this way for three years if not more. Before
>> > that it was in kdelibs.
>> >
>> >> Also, right now there is only one user of this framework
>> >> (plasma-desktop),
>> >
>> > That's because the other users weren't ported to KF5 yet. But there's
>> > definitely more plasma users (amarok comes to mind, skrooge too iirc), not
>> > really shells.
>> That was before QtQuickControls and KDeclarative's imports. Back then
>> Plasma was the convenient way to get some sort of button
> /me notes that the widgets were just a later aftertought in that library and
> not even remotely the point of that library ever.
> that decision had exactly zero to do with plasma being the way to do buttons,
> in fact, even tough it still depends from too much for my taste, one thing it
> does *not* depends from is what? ah, QML.
> as now maintainer of that library and components i call that library has
> framework quality and is very general purpose.
> one may want to use it or not (to do applets made with qwidgets, or only to
> parse kconfigskeletons at runtime for what i'm concerned), that's the call of
> the application developer, as any workspace.

That KConfigLoader already moved to KConfigGui.

(and I agree that class is really really useful)

> It just comes as an huge (disappointing) surprise that just today
> * after the move has been started
> * after years the decision has been made
> * ignoring the fact that such decision was made after, and in part because of,
> was possible to remove all the widget stuff, making it finally a small
> library.
>> If Amarok or Skrooge wants to use anything from Plasma we are doing
>> something wrong.
> yes, I think this team is seriously doing something really wrong.
> Let's see what we have that has zero to do with qml controls:
> * packages
> * configloader
> * dataengines
> * services
> * qpainter based (and going to stay qpainter based) svg stuff
> * plugin based (the whole point of having anything)
> you can hate every single one of those things, and believe till the end of the
> days that can be solved with $magicbullet in qml, for some things, are complex
> problems, everywhere that there is a similar problem, you'll end up
> reimplementing a non negligible proportion of it, almost identical.
> now i have no idea if that is needed or not by amarok or skrooge, again, if
> for instance the user interaction paradigm they would choose would be "a page
> in which you can add widgets that say things"
> one starts to say "how hard can it be", will end up with a quite near
> reimplementation of corona, containments and packages (replicating in the
> meantime many of the bugs we had and solved).
> For instance the mediacenter wanted to be a shell again to support widgets
> again, I'm sure you would advise them against and reimplement the whole
> mechanism instead, i'm wondering why the project is in such state tough.
> what i'm seeing, (and it's not new of this, it's going on since a while)
> is that the history of things, and why thay are in a certain thing and not
> another is being ignored, and that's excusable (and somewhat comprehensible, I
> know I'm not that good in neither explanation or documentation, sorry)
> But what is less is the systematically not caring of the why.

Not aware of rather than ignoring.

> Ending up having to defend the project against the project itself, I am
> seriously starting to wonder what the hell I'm doing here.

That was not my intention. Sorry. *hugs*

What I understood of Alex's email was to say; do we want to commit to
ABI compatibility given it has gone through more changes than the

 On reflection we did have that thread in Plasma recently not that
long ago and I remember there was a discussion about the plasmaquick
lib not being released as ABI stable. As long as that statement still
holds I withdraw my comments.
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