On Monday 05 May 2014, David Faure wrote:
> > does KSharedConfig::openConfig("confignamerc") now tries in ~/.config or
> > in ~/.config/kde.org ? (supposing the domain is set)
> I reverted the change for now.

ok, so i will delay any local change in plasma

> Let's discuss whether the alternative is
> better

so, the choice if i understood correctly is basically between:

defaulting to use the domain in KSharedConfig::openConfig("confignamerc") that 
would probably be faster porting, *but* risking to break all uses of 
kdeglobals and the like,

or not use the domain in this case, *but* risks to break all openconfig of a 
filename (that is not intended to be a global one) right?

i don't see much painless ways..
almost seems to call for another method like "openGlobalConfig()" or something 
like that, like the flag but even more explicit.
would perhaps be less confusing, but a bit late to be any painless never the 

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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