On May 08, 2014 17:18:10 Martin Klapetek wrote:
> Additional question - have you ever changed krunner's shortcut in your
> setup?

Can't let a bikeshedding oportunity like this pass by unnoticed...

I changed it to Win+R over ten years ago and never looked back. :)
That's the shortcut used on MS Windows, since at least XP and still used in 
windows 7.
But the main reason I changed it was not so much that I was used to it from 
Windows, but 
that I think it's a good shortcut.

In the same style, Win+D can be used to show either virtual desktop grip (my 
preference) or 
the dashboard. Win+S (Search) would make sense for milou perhaps? Drifting off 
should stop now.

Hope this helps!

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