Tars are available for Plasma Next Beta 1

Soon to be landing on depot.kde.org unstable/plasma/4.96.0

Temporary site:

This release works with Qt 5.2 although it is probably better with Qt 5.3

It'll need KDE Frameworks 5 Beta 2 which was quietly released yesterday.

It should not overlap with kde-runtime or kdelibs from kdelibs4 land but
much of it will overlap with kde-workspace from kdelibs4 land, it's new

The translations will also overlap with translations from kde sc 4.13.  One
suggested solution it to install 4.13 translations into their own directory
and patch kdelibs4 to read from that directory.

I may well have made mistakes, this release is still quite undefined.  If
there are tars I should/should not have included, if there are branches I
should have used, if there are version numbers I should have set
differently either in the tars or internally let me know.

The Plasma team is still discussing what it still be called so for now I'll
call it Plasma Next.

I hope to announce this on Tuesday but how knows.

Good luck :)

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