On Thursday 15 May 2014 11:39:00 Jens Reuterberg wrote:
> Ok so after the feedback from the Beta Release an issue that we knew was
> coming have happened. Visuals being the most easily accessible bit of
> anything technical, people have reacted negatively to the lack of change.
> The issue WOULD be more ok from my POV if it could be contained towards me
> personally but its affecting VDG work not to mention being a massive PR
> failure for Plasma Next as the chance to actually market it as Plasma and
> not KDE5 is slipping out of our grasp (not to mention the negative press it
> will garner, or as it is now - the current state of "not much press at
> all")
> Talking about it we want to raise the issue of including Aurorae and Qtcurve
> by default again. I know there are technical drawbacks to this solution -
> drawbacks that I and many of us are simply not technically adept enough to
> understand fully and we will of course bend to your expertize on the matter
> - but the issue has come to a point now that we simply want you to
> reconsider and explore the options available one more time.
> If it is impossible - thats the way the ball will roll. But if its even a
> little bit feasible or with just a small enough performance-drag I would
> urge you to include it by default.

QtCurve, i would say it's definitely possible.
the thing that doesn't look that right is that is a 3rd party package that i'm 
not sure is maintained (since maintainers don't answer)

*but* we can package it by default and having it at least on neon.

on the aurorae part, i leave martin decide ;)

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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