On Friday 23 May 2014 17:21:16 Andrew Lake wrote:
> Hello all,
> I just had a quick question. If I have some feedback on areas to visually
> polish up for the Plasma Next release, should I file a bug or just share
> them via the email list?
> I honestly would rather just pitch in and submit review requests for
> patches but, unfortunately, I just don't have the bandwidth to do that. And
> *really* I hate being that guy in the peanut gallery yapping on about
> visuals and not pitching in to try to fix them. But I also didn't want to
> just be silent if the feedback would be useful.
> Anyway, let me know your preference.
> Thanks for your help and patience,
> Andrew Lake

bugs sound good to me, maybe in a separate area? (to me it sounds to me that 
"graphics issue" should be as "severity", but i don't think is possible to add 
categories there in bugzilla?
Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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